Fire protection

Duties of citizens

The main cause of most fires are violations of the principles of fire safety, ignorance of existing legislation and measures for fire protection. Therefore, it is imperative that we pay constant attention to fire prevention and in cooperation with local authorities help prevent fires. The most common cause is a violation of the law on fire protection, which imposes obligations to all citizens, in particular, act so that their actions did not cause a fire. Throughout the year, citizens are required to comply with the following provisions of the Act on fire protection:

– do not smoke and do not use open fire in places with increased risk of fire,
– no fires in areas where there may spread and do not burn vegetation
– strengthen the caution when dealing with fire in harvest time, harvesting, storage, and in times of drought.

Sighting of the fire citizens are obliged to extinguish the fire or to summon help by calling 150, respectively, to 112.

In connection with the fire fighting people must, in particular:
– extinguish the fire or to prevent its spread.
– take the necessary measures to rescue people,
– report a fire promptly to the designated place.
– provide the material means necessary to tackle the fire.

According to the Act 314/2001 on fire protection infringement on violating regulations of fire protection is defined as follows:
Physical person who fired crops of herbs, shrubs and trees or base fire in premises or places where it might cause the spread may get sanction up to 332 EUR by District Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service. Even more stringent punishment is for corporates to whom the District Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service can for burning crops of herbs, shrubs and trees or setting fire to the premises or places where it might cause the spread impose a fine of up to 16 596 EUR. So before we strike a match let us consider whether it’s worth it.